Sunday 14 June 2009

So what is the SECRET?

Get some serious sexy happy exercise!

Fitness is one of the greatest gifts we could give to our selves and yet alot of us find fitness so difficult to achieve. Now I am talking about my self too! Isn't it frustrating when you go on holiday and put that sexy swimming costume on but it doesn't look quite the same as you'd like it to. I am talking from experience here :( I have a different problem though. Most people want to lose weight when I would LOVE to put those extra few pounds on! Now you might say, ok eat unhealthy fatty food and you'll achieve your goal in no time. You are quite right, but the fitness goes out of the window. I eat very very very super healthy and that doesn't make me any fitter either! However silly it sounds, but exercising is the only way to heaven. Whether you are over or underweight without regular exercise you will be dreaming of fitness for a very long time.

Call me old fashioned, but I do not believe in gyms. Why? Simply because it takes the most important part of sustainable fitness away- fun and enjoyment. You cannot possibly sustain your fitness unless your whole mind and heart is into what your body is up to. The most simple example- making love, you will never get the level of satisfaction of that when you are with someone you really care about. And that is one of the many reasons why some relationships do not last. So find something you LOVE doing, something that really excites you and what if it is also outdoors?! Did you know, that our body needs fresh air in order to digest/absorb carbohydrates in the most productive way. This may explain why it is A MUST for babies and children to spend at least an hour a day outside.

As for me, I love playig tennis. Do you think I get time for it? You guessed the answer:) no...
But you know what? I will not go beating my self about it, I will just simply say tomorrow I will try again.

One of my Gurus when it comes to fitness was always Madonna. Now here is someone seriously to aspire to. Fancy looking like that at her age and to be quite honest I am a fair bit younger but I wish I looked half as fit.

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